Olive Cultivation

Olive Cultivation

A tradition thousands of years old

Olives were first cultivated in this area at the time of the Etruscans, who depicted scenes of olive harvesting on frescoes and frescos,but the antiquity of this tradition is also evidenced by the presence of trees of majestic proportions that characterize the gentle hills of this area. From the 1950s onwards, the cultivation of olives has experienced a renewed boost. When the land reform expropriated Prince Torionia's land and it was distributed amongst farmers, this area enjoyed economic results for the very first time by bringing this product to wider markets - for the very first time.
Types of olives
The 'Caninese' variety; an unmistakeable fruit with a clear and well-balanced taste


The environmental conditions of the olive groves, in which are grown olive varieties and clones derived Canino, Leccino, Pendolino, Maurino and Frantoio, are typical of the area and resulting necessary to confer olives and olive oil so obtained, the specific features. The Canino cultivar is a variety of plant who dates since the Etruscans and is characterized by its rich foliage, the rusticity and ease of adaptation to the soil and high productivity. The fruits are relatively small, with a hazel of low weight respect of oil content and they are highly resistant to detachment and ripen late to climb. Locally they are also recognized by the name of "Caninese".
Types of olives