Processing phases

Negli ultimi tempi l’attenzione generale si è focalizzata sulla qualità degli alimenti e sulla loro origine. La qualità di un prodotto dipende dalla materia prima ma anche da come viene lavorata. Infatti per ottenere un olio extravergine d’oliva di qualità il metodo di produzione è fondamentale.

Olive harvest

Olive harvest

The olives are harvested by hand and with the use of mechanical equipment, from late October to mid-December, when they have reached the right maturity. The olives are harvested daily and delivered to the mill after they have been defoliated, they are placed in well ventilated containers in a dry place, waiting to proceed to washing and crushing which always takes place within the day.


The first and most important of the processing stages consists of grinding: a paste is obtained, which goes on to be remixed in the mixing vat and from there to the final processing stage in the decanter where the oily must and water are separated in a centrifugal separator.


The extraction of the olive oil takes place in machinery that runs on a continuous cycle and is temperature-controlled: it never exceeds 27°, thus obtaining the “cold-pressed” oil of authentic and unchanged characteristics.


The last remaining impurities are removed by lightly filtering the oil through cotton filters. It is then preserved in airtight, stainless steel tanks at a constant temperature of 18°C. Later the oil is bottled and sold during the course of the year.